Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Black Man's PLIGHT

I should be working, but today some things have come to my attention and been on My MIND!!! Ever since the Black Men/Women were taken from our natural habitat we have been broken to disregard one another as the FUEL to EACH OTHERS FIRE! We downplay the significance that we play in the others success and happiness.

Oh wait someone just stopped and said Happiness is an individualistic state of mind! Well my Good Sir you are WRONG. See Happiness in that feeling you get from providing someone not with just a material item, but with that Love and Passion, and Sincerity that is becoming so rare in our Country and most notably our Black Families. We are becoming more entrenched in the Willie Lynch Syndrome than what is naturally inbred in us as Black Man and Woman. We are Lovers, Providers, Intellectuals, Builders, Caregivers, etc...

With All these innate traits our Men and Women cannot see eye to eye. Well I'm a Black Man so women if you read this and get offended then you my Lady are part of the PROBLEM. Men are simple creatures. We wanna Eat, Sleep, Watch Sports, Have Sex, and yeah that's about it. Where we run into our problems these days is when  non-issues turn into issues.

Woman: you went out with your boys last night Man: well its the playoffs Woman: so Man: goes and suffers the consequences later. What is wrong with this picture???

#1 Nagging: is unacceptable! I feel if there is food on the table and a roof over your head then let this peacock fly *Mark Wahlberg Reference* Ladies this is a minor offense. The real underlying issue here is the lack of social life of the female counter-part. Just because you're a couple doesn't mean you need to be attached at the hip. Odds are if you are that damn close you will see a Divorce Judge sooner than later. Healthy relationships need AIR.

#2 TRUST: if you don't want to trust a MAN don't be in a relationship. You can force a MAN to solidify your adultery claims by always accusing him of shit he may not be guilty of.As I have said a Mans mind is simple! Your constant barrage of blame circulates in his mind and then its the well might as well do it SHIT Thought! OK! This thought process is WRONG, but come the fuck on! If a MO********** providing and trying and there is still a lack of trust then what else can they prove. Save that old age shit about trust being earned! Well hell Earn YOUR dumb ass into an URN BASIC BISH! It's 2010 shits different as you women surely know ( U get to VOTE)!

#3 Marriage:  Where we differ on marriage is simple. YOu all don't want to admit its the materialistic thoughts the linger when it comes to marriage. This in the exact reason you would FOOLISHLY turn down the MAN who LOVES you Wholeheartedly becasue he proposes w/o a Engagement ring! Spare me that circle that can't be broken BULLSHIT and the SYMBOLIC CRAP TOO! Men avoid it because YOU ASK ABOUT IT, WE ARE SOMEWHAT SCARED OF SIGNING AWAY OUR PAYCHECKS (lol), and because ITS A SCARY SITUATION ALBEIT JOYOUS. Its takes us longer to get wrapped up in this premise and along the way we may in fact lose that person whom was truly the one, BUT that's life!

Often time we as HUMANS forget that that is what we exactly are. Irregardless of the false visions of perfection the grass isn't always greener on the other side! Life is a challenge so what makes MAN OR WOMAN perfect at predicting whats RIGHT or WRONG for our genders to experience. Everyone is entitled to paint that BRICK ROAD no matter if its BLACK OR YELLOW but be ready to follow that path because the OUTCOME may not be The LAND OF FRUIT AND HONEY!

Scrooge Signing Off

Stay Tuned!!!!!


  1. interesting viewpoint...i surprisingly agree with a lot of what you said...but I love how u left out the blame that women take that's hella unnecessary...think you should update it and include the woman's perspective...good read though

  2. I cannot talk for women. I tried not to be subjective. I am in no way pointing blame on single instances. I think there is more that need to take place as far as understanding one another. The likes and dislikes and what things you are and aren't willing to change. I have never been one to attempt to change a person. I accept people. I may not agree but I accept them for who they are.

    Thanks for the dialogue!
