Tuesday, August 31, 2010

What's really Real

Two interesting things happened in the past couple of days pertaining to hair and just overall beauty. This AM I tweeted with one of the Moores (Vaughn s/o) and we were talking about sew-ins. Sunday I was shown a message that made this tweet session even more interesting. It said something like if you're beautiful why wear the fake hair, eyelashes, nails, etc...  Interesting, Right?????

This is a very valid point. So many of our women call out others on what they are doing with their appearance, but is their criticism warranted? If you are as beautiful as you say you are why all the accessories that hide the TRUE YOU??? I swear if I ever engage a young lady that has on a booty pop Im going to lose my mind! This is outright TRICKERY, LMAO! I mean guys can't hide who they are, or can they???

I'm the type that like my women as they naturally are! I don't want make-up on my Polo ( do you know how much them shits cost, lol?). If i run my hands through your hair I don't want your hair to leave your head with my hand, nor do I want to be scratched by the cheap lacefront.We all saw that episode of Fresh Prince where Will was trapped in the attic with his date aka Tisha Campbell! Ol' Girl took everything off and I'm not talking about her clothes! To me that's like dating two different women.

Then on the same accord a woman has all these demands for what her guy is suppose to do and be like. Be a gentleman! Chick to which one of you? Please don't lie to me! Well I didn't I lied to the woman with the 10 inch hair not a bald fade!

My point is this how can you ask for so much and for someone to be TRUE to YOU when you aren't even TRUE to YOURSELF? Who are you REALLY?




  1. 90% of the time I am Real...no makeup, weave, etc, etc. I prefer for the person that I am dating to be "real" as well.

  2. I guess a dude's perspective is necessary here. I like women who are comfortable with themselves. Insecurity is a huge turn off. I dig the premise of the naturalists, but the natural movement can become another reason to be hung up on a look. It starts with liberation and becomes an obsession. But i like to stay supportive, because self-image is a hard issue to battle as it is. As long as she's funny, focused and can cook I'm cool. Like Drake says "Sweat pants, hair tied, chillin with no make-up on"...No Lie

    Good topic. Keep em coming follow

    Follow my life's work (poetry)


  3. I have never worn pieces, a lacefront, fake eye lashes, not even fake nails. Not because I don't think it's nice, because some women own it, but because I don't want someone to fall in love with the fake me one day when I work so hard on being the real me, every other day. I was always taught "don't start something you can't finish" so I'm me... always. You just have to find women like me my friend. The Moore sisters are killing the natural hair game (might I add) so hang with them and you might find a good one.

  4. Good Dialogue! These are just thoughts Aerial. I Love to see if my views are similar to others and have great adult discussion. I think that from different perspectives this will always be view differently. I agree with what all of the aforementioned comments have noted! Pretty much we all want to embrace an individual who is forthcoming and comfortable with being who they are around us. I've never been impressed by the fallacies of the World nor am I advocating that the natural look is what think all women should have. My reality more relates to just a person being who the are wholeheartedly similar to myself. People often relate me to being mean and angry well if truly stating what I believe on certain issues renders me a bad person in your eyes fine, but they will continue to see that person because that's who I want to be.

  5. So im late....here are my thoughts.....Im a long time member of #teamfakehairdontcare. This a touchy subject for me because I actually wear it all but there is a huge difference between ehancing your beauty (because u are into trying different looks)or just doing it because your are insecure of how u really look. Im just as confident with as I am without it. There is nothing "fake" about me what u see is what you get. Guess what all the beautiful women you guys lust after wear the hair nails eyelashes eyebrows but enhancements push up bras and etc.
