Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Chivalry: Dead or Alive?

Chivalry is a word derived from French word "chevalerie", which itself is derived from a couple of words. In modern times Chivalry refers to the act of courteous behavior, primarily towards a woman. So many movies portray how they think women should be treated. often times the courtesy shown rarely corresponds to what actually occurs in real life. I mean i recall seeing once in a movie where a guy threw his blazer over a puddle and in the words of Cris Carter and Keyshawn Johnson "Come on Man"! Ladies this isn't REALITY.

There are other occasions where chivalrous behavior is reality such as: opening a door for women, pulling her chair out, going to the door to retrieve her, bringing her flowers on a first date, etc... these aforementioned things can in fact happen. I think often times what is and should be a reality is becoming more and more what shaped by what a woman sees another man do for their lady. Women play this role as if they understand that every guy is different, but realistically crave to have what they see other women receive. The Real question is: Why aren't guys chivalrous towards certain women?

LIL WEBBIE said it best: INDEPENDENT do you know what that means or for the ladies Destiny's Child: Bills, Bills, Bills and Independent Women. All these songs are indicative of why the chivalry you long for is eroding ( that means disappearing, lol). The notion that you all are independent and equal to men ruined your chivalry. Man was built on the notion that he is the provider and protector and women began to takeover these roles. I know women are about to go off talking about how men should step up and take more responsibility, but will you allow them to? I know how many single parent homes are ran by women. Aren't some of these homes that way by choice? I've seen it for myself where the woman keeps the male away, haven't you as well?

Chivalry was a part of being a man. The part where the woman was the Queen and not the King! Can we blame our men as well? Yes! Men should stand up and be Men. Seriously, how long and often can you take having to do more than expected and being brow-beaten before you give up ladies? Chivalry is bigger than just Men its something that women of the past earned for treating their men as king; just as the men treated them like queens!

Imagine me picking you up for a date, Ha; first of all you have to make it to that point. You cannot expect a  guy to meet you in a club after you've worked his joint to the point of erection to seriously take you as a woman. Especially if after he rings you he doesn't ask you out yet to come to your crib and you all can drink and chill. Whatever chivalry he has has went into the Coconut Ciroc bottle. Who's fault is this the males or the females. Most females will say the male, but they know the truth. The second you invited the guy to your crib or came to his crib to chill; however it went he's lost his chivalry and this is the Woman's fault. Guys are naturally instinctive and routinely react to signs that a woman gives off.

When you allow your guy friend to entertain the idea that his getting that "Pussy" before you allow him to entertain the fact that you are a REAL WOMAN, what do you think you're gonna get in return???

Do I think chivalry is dead? No,  I do not. I think times change. Just as Women were wanting so many changes to benefit themselves. I think guys want to receive some of those behaviors that they consider to be chivalrous! The good book said it best in Matthew 7:12 "Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets", or as you most notably say do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Women have to get back to their natural element of providing and enabling a Man to be a Man before they can complain about how he's not treating them like a Woman! What's you opinion?



What's really Real

Two interesting things happened in the past couple of days pertaining to hair and just overall beauty. This AM I tweeted with one of the Moores (Vaughn s/o) and we were talking about sew-ins. Sunday I was shown a message that made this tweet session even more interesting. It said something like if you're beautiful why wear the fake hair, eyelashes, nails, etc...  Interesting, Right?????

This is a very valid point. So many of our women call out others on what they are doing with their appearance, but is their criticism warranted? If you are as beautiful as you say you are why all the accessories that hide the TRUE YOU??? I swear if I ever engage a young lady that has on a booty pop Im going to lose my mind! This is outright TRICKERY, LMAO! I mean guys can't hide who they are, or can they???

I'm the type that like my women as they naturally are! I don't want make-up on my Polo ( do you know how much them shits cost, lol?). If i run my hands through your hair I don't want your hair to leave your head with my hand, nor do I want to be scratched by the cheap lacefront.We all saw that episode of Fresh Prince where Will was trapped in the attic with his date aka Tisha Campbell! Ol' Girl took everything off and I'm not talking about her clothes! To me that's like dating two different women.

Then on the same accord a woman has all these demands for what her guy is suppose to do and be like. Be a gentleman! Chick to which one of you? Please don't lie to me! Well I didn't I lied to the woman with the 10 inch hair not a bald fade!

My point is this how can you ask for so much and for someone to be TRUE to YOU when you aren't even TRUE to YOURSELF? Who are you REALLY?




So I was having a discussion about a comment I mad about a reality show. Myself I rarely frequent those dating shows I'm more of a RW/RR challenge type or Top Chef (I Love Food). However these new age reality shows are seemingly stirring up a vast amount of interest from unfamiliar areas. I stumbled upon an individual watching the TO Show. I pondered why a person with no sports interest would watch a show about a athlete??? They said the show wasn't about sports which is TRUE to a certain extent. I said, it actually pertains to sports due to the person being an Athlete!  I mean, if TO was replaced with ME would you watch his show? They became enraged that i could not see their point. The only reason the show has relevance is because TO is an athlete, right?

I am just curious as to why people watch all these reality shows i.e The Hills, The City, TO Show, ALL those crappy wedding shows? Do they make you feel a certain way?

Hell! I feel depressed and Dumber whenever I see someone I know watching! I can't stand the sound of some White Girl arguing with her friend over who has the same dress as them, or Justin Bobby had a attitude and Audrina doesn't know what to do. The chick from the City broke her heel on her Christian Louboutins! How appealing is that? Watching those terribly hard at work prissy grown kids argue about items that cost more than your weekly pay. I was told to never fantasize about the lives of others! To create my own reality! So why is it that so many of us are stuck trying to create a reality that is owned by someone else?

On the other hand, it could just be for entertainment purposes (my neutral point of view HA)! I doubt that watching a bunch on rambling TRAMPS like the Kardashians could ever be entertaining to me, but hey you are what you watch, right? They say that television influences our youth so does it not influence our adults?

We complain about what the youth are watching, but we are not telling them that these characters are not individuals to use as role models. I just wonder how you can realistically discuss these characters to children and tell them not to want to be that way. Hey Montana Fishburne, don't make a sex-tape and gain all the notoriety in the World for no reason and become rich for it.

Now we have a whole new breed of stupidity developing because of reality TV aka 50 Tyson! This idiot had to have watched Flavor Flav and said if this ugly mofo can do it I can too. I guess we are hosting our own minstrel shows now! I hope they stop and you all LIVE YOUR LIVES. Hide your kids, hide your wife! SMDH

Stay Tuned!