Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Twitter Taught U!!!

Every time I come on Twitter you're on Twitter filling up my timeline! Well guess what Twitter is not the GUIDELINES YOU NEED TO LIVE YOUR LIFE BY!!!! I'm tired of everyone complaining about what goes on on asocial sites and how it impacts their lives yada, yada, fuckin yada! It's a social site and people have free speech. they can say whatever they please and that should be the end of it!

You all know you have gotten that DM or BBM or for non-hip peeps TEXTS lmao #TeamBlackberry. You all feel me though? You know the message " who you talkin about?", "What happened", "Why you going so hard?"! All those types of messages.

Understand a few things. First, everything we say on these sites isn't necessarily TRUE depending on the situation.  For me its highly likely it is, lol; but be realistic. Do you think I'm really gonna fight a kid? or some of the other outlandish things you read about on Twitter? These things don't necessarily happen the way they are said.

For some of us Twitter is an entertainment tool. We use it to vent, laugh, and socialize. Why are you using it as a reference book for your life? Why should anyone ever hear you say anything about what they posted on twitter and how it made you feel? That's very petty and childish! If you are truly someone to a person social media is not where they need to nor should be proving that to you!

Stop being guided by the BLIND and use your own common sense (if you have any) to make logical decisions about sensible things that are much bigger than a website. Hell some of you act like you know so much and we know at the end of the day you were on the SHORT BUS! Yeah U! There's no cure for RETARDATION so NO you haven't gotten smarter since we were younger!

Then a note to my Twitter Stalkers, Hoes, Snitches get a life! I mean true a person shouldn't be listening to you saying oh look at Bobby Joes tweet that's about Amanda, but damn are you really that bored with your inferior life that you need to keep up shit? You are thirty with five kids by three different guys and jobless; certainly you have more to worry about Gossip Girl/Guys!

Lets attempt to keep the web exactly where it belongs, in CYBERSPACE!

Scrooge Signing Off

Stay Tuned!!!!!